Franklin Regional Intermediate School Home


We, the Franklin Regional School community, strive for excellence, learning, achievement, and citizenship in all we do.

News & Announcements


FRPF 2025 Golf Invitational - June 13th

Come one, come FOUR! Get your FOURsome together and plan to join us at the annual Franklin Regional Panther Foundation Golf Invitational on Friday, June 13th!

We're in search of event, contest, and tee sponsors as well as golfers! Contact Felicia Provenzano ([email protected]) if you are interested or need more information. CLICK for details...

FR School Picnic @ Kennywood

It's NEVER too early to think about SUMMER! Kennywood Park has announced an Early Bird DISCOUNT for those who purchase tickets by June 6th. The Franklin Regional School Picnic will be held on Friday, June 20, 2025. Take advantage of this offer and get your "family fun day" squared away in advance! CLICK for information...
Kdg Registration Timeline

Kindergarten Registration for 2025-26

Do you have a youngster who will attend kindergarten beginning in the 2025-26 school year? This vital information is for YOU! If you know someone who has a little one, PLEASE SHARE! CLICK for downloadable forms...

2025 S.T.R.E.A.M Expo - Save the DATES!

Yes, that's correct! This year, we will hold our annual hands-on STREAM Expo over TWO EVENINGS! Mark May 13-14 on your calendar. Save those dates! More information to follow in the spring!

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We are committed to excellence. Students, families, staff, administrators, and community partners work every day to make our school more vibrant, rigorous, creative, adaptable, and fun.
We are committed to learning as a multi-faceted, life-long process and the focus of everything we do. We expect everyone to develop knowledge, skills, and self-awareness.
We are committed to growth in academics. We promote, recognize, and value our accomplishments.
We act with integrity and in an ethical and responsible manner. In this way, we promote each person's ability to be a productive, contributing, thoughtful, respectful, and socially responsible citizen.